INTRODUCTION ━━ hi. hello ! you can call me c ! she/her ! 25+ ! i’ve been roleplaying for a good chunk of time across various platforms but i’ve only been on tumblr for a few years now. i am currently MUTUALS ONLY. as you may have noticed, this blog is for the canon character JULIETTE NICHOLS from apple tv's silo & the wool book series. one of the main PSDs i use for some of my edits is by goodvibesrph ! one of the PSDs i use for my icons is by somresources ! my portrayal WILL include many aspects from both the books and the tv series !

ACTIVITY ━━ i’m currently back at work ! so that means my activity isn’t great. sometimes i struggle to keep my muse and other times i’m just tired. and sometimes shit just happens ! but i do my best to keep up with everything. if i take awhile to reply, feel free to give me a gentle nudge. sometimes i don’t see things ! and sometimes i’m just busy. but a gentle reminder is always welcome. as long as it remains gentle. anything rude and you’ll be hard blocked pretty quick. but please always remember: if i follow you, i want to write with you !FOLLOWING ━━ i will not follow those who : write incest, rape, pedophilia, “genderbent” muses, etc., hold racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, or otherwise bigoted views, or are under the age of 18. if you post a lot of negativity that’s always untagged, i will most likely choose not to follow you or i will unfollow you. And that’s nothing against you as a person ! i just have a lot of anxiety when it comes to negativity. otherwise, i’ll usually follow back pretty quickly. i will not be following any duplicates at the moment unless i know and am comfortable with you. thank you for understanding ! old drama and misunderstandings are in the past. don't be afraid to approach me no matter what <3btw don't feel like we can't write because you don't know my main verse. jules is extremely adaptable to other verses. i can literally make almost everything work with her <3

MEMES & PLOTTING ━━ i’m often terrible at plotting. that’s just the dang truth. but memes are one of my favourite ways to get an interaction started. I always get excited whenever anything is sent to me and especially when things are continued ! but just because i’m bad at plotting doesn’t mean you can’t approach me ! i’m always willing to work through things with y’all. anything to get some good interactions going !NSFW & TRIGGERS ━━ when it comes to nsfw themes, juliette's main verse is set in a dystopian future. things such as gore, violence, guns, blood, etc, will all appear on her blog. there’s a really big chance that i won’t be writing smut on this blog though. I don’t mind seeing it on my dash and you will even see me sometimes post headcanons about sex, etc, but i’m not overly comfortable writing it. as for triggers, i personally don't need to have anything tagged but if i’m posting about things that you need a specific tag for, please let me know ! i will normally tag things with trigger /.SHIPPING ━━ i’m big on chemistry above all !IMPORTANT  NOTE  i  will  not  be  interacting  with  the  following  characters  in  order  to  make  my  dash  a  comfortable  place  to  be:  negan,  troy  otto,  dakota  (  ftwd  ),  billy  hargrove,  henry  bowers,  13rw  muses,  riverdale  muses,  &  certain  faceclaims.


GENERAL ━━full name: juliette nichols.
nickname(s): jules, fixer, runaway, bean.
age: thirty-four.
date of birth: verse dependent.
zodiac sign: n/a.
place of birth: atlanta, georgia.
current location: verse dependent.
ethnicity: white.
nationality: american.
gender: female.
orientation: bisexual.
religion: agnostic.
occupation: engineer. sheriff.
APPEARANCE ━━faceclaim: rebecca ferguson.
hair colour/style: mix of blonde and brown, usually kept tied back but sometimes it's down and wavy.
eye colour: blue.
height: 5'5".
weight: verse dependent.
build: thin but strong.
tattoos: a large mix of lines on her upper left arm. another line design on her right forearm along with a circle around her wrist and three lines across three of her fingers.
piercings: none.
scars: two visible scars. one on her neck, the other on her upper arm. both from workplace accidents.
birthmarks: a slightly heart shaped mark on her right arm.

FAMILY ━━father: peter nichols.
mother: hanna nichols ( deceased ).
siblings: jacob nichols ( deceased).
extended family: lukas, walker, knox, shirly,
marck, solo, george.
pets: none.
PERSONALITY & MIND ━━neurotype: undiagnosed autism.
positive traits: resilient, independent, strong, smart.
negative traits: careless, resentful, obsessive, selfish, stubborn.
goals/desires: to keep the generator running; to find out the truth of the silo.
fears: bodies of water, being in enclosed spaces(but she'll still do it anyways), losing people she loves, the outside.
hobbies: fixing broken things, looking at the stars.
nervous habits: pushing her hair back, fidgeting with holston's badge, pacing, taking apart things to fix or put them back together, leg bouncing, playing with her hands.
likes: stars, the generator.
dislikes: judicial, IT, mushrooms, alcohol (only because she overdoes it).
SKILLS ━━language(s) spoken: english, a version of sign language that she uses to converse with the people around her in the loud generator room.
weapons: whatever she can get her hands on but normally a kitchen knife.
fighting: she'll throw a mean punch but isn't an overly great physical fighter.

001. silo.

002. the last of us.

003. the walking dead.

004. a song of ice and fire.